When a business fails, it often doesn’t come out of the blue – it comes after years of struggle, anxiety and worry. Almost like living through a nightmare.

It’s rare for one large event to kill a business dead and often happens after a myriad of small solvable issues adds up and something gives.

The warning signs of a potentially failing business are often there for all to see:

  1. Lack of sales
  2. Problems with customers
  3. Problems with staff
  4. Low cash flow
  5. A dysfunctional business
  6. An unhappy business owner

Correcting these issues with positive action is the only way to make sure that your business stays on track – acting like an ostrich and burying your head in the sand will not help and will only make matters worse.

Are you unhappy?

An unhappy business owner makes for an unhappy business. The first step towards being happy with your business is figuring out what you want your role in the business to be. If you are doing a role that makes you unhappy, then you need to re-design your business.

If, for example, you are at the coal face and delivering your business’ services and this not what you want, then you need to make a change. Alternatively, you could have moved away from that and are now in the office 24/7 but this isn’t making you happy. Figure out what you want your role to be and then make it happen.

You are too close to the problem

Accepting help when you have a problem with your business is difficult, the business is your baby and admitting you need a little help can be hard. The very fact that you have built the business or are working in it day to day, can lead you to being too close to the problem.

Having someone come in and take a fresh look at the business can help you take a step back and see a route around your problems.

It’s your game – design it to suit you

Remember it’s your business and it can be whatever you want it to be – don’t let circumstances dictate how your business runs.

How we can help?

We offer a free business review – we will come into your business for 1-2 hours, ask a series of probing questions and then let you know where we feel your business could be improved. If you are interested in undertaking this review, then please contact us.